Monday, March 28, 2011

Vects Dark Eldar army showcase

oh boy oh boy my very first blog, i will love it and i will hug it and i will call it george. hello george, i read the copy of the new dark eldar codex in the store a month before release and started building my Dark eldar army. the army follows much of general oadius` advise about knowing what you are/want to do in 40k. i like to shoot, i like to assault more, and i like pain tokens. Almost every model in my army is a conversion except for the wyches, kab warriors, and raiders, starting first and foremost with Asdrubael Vect and the sceptre of the dark city all the way to grotesques. please offer up as much feedback as i can take hehe i am interested to find out what people think of the army just based on pics, at tournaments and local games most people like seeing my army because its not a bunch of ghey kab warriors with dark lances, on a raider with a dark lance, and i may have to gag myself if i see another clone army like that. the whole point of all the models i built for this army is so i could have the units to play on the tabletop, while trying to bring to life all of the wonderful entries and pictures in the codex. the beasts i built were done before the codex released for sale, not trying to toot my own horn i simply wanted to play what i read about. blah enuf typing 

p.s scourges are latest conversion, i have ten shadow spectres from forgeworld waiting for power from pain!

And remember people its the future we all have big guns, assaults win games!

Bass Dark Eldar